Finding Hope After Loss, Building a New Future at UEI College
Joselin Castro had always been a good student, but when her mother passed away just two weeks after her high school graduation, her future suddenly felt uncertain.
“All the optimism and excitement I had at graduation passed along with her,” Joselin said. “I grew very depressed over the summer. I was also experiencing financial hardship from the funeral costs and college expenses. Still, I pushed myself to go to university, but with no motivation and being at such a low point, I withdrew before my first semester ended.”
To support herself and her family, Joselin got a job. However, in 2024, while contemplating a path to happiness and fulfillment, she discovered UEI College in Ontario.
“I’ve always liked helping people,” Joselin said. “That actually brings me satisfaction. I like listening to people and their problems. I felt like I wasn’t being productive at my job. I knew there was an opportunity somewhere; I just had to find it. I saw the school one day as I was leaving work, and it just felt like there was a reason.”
When Joselin learned about the Medical Assistant program, it reminded her of her mother, who had been a nurse in Mexico many years ago.
“My mom was always such a kind person,” she said. “She was generous, thoughtful, and accepting of everyone, no matter what. I feel like those are traits I can develop in this career. I would love to be more like her and have that attitude and approach to life.”
Though returning to school was challenging, the program at UEI brought a renewed sense of purpose to Joselin’s life.
“I love my class. I love learning. I love my instructor,” she shared. “She is so attentive and great at explaining things. It just feels good to be learning something new and gaining important skills. Everything about the program is enjoyable to me. There isn’t one boring thing. I love going to class, talking to everyone, and seeing the new students. Everyone is nervous at first, but once you ease them in, they realize how cool it is.”
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Today, Joselin’s passion drives her forward.
“My mom was always my biggest supporter in school,” she said. “When she passed away, I lost that support and motivation. Now, it’s up to me to push myself. It’s hard, but I’m so glad I did. I feel so much more optimistic about what’s next.”
After graduation, Joselin plans to gain experience in the field for a few years before returning to school to further her medical career.
“Take a risk,” she advised. “It’s hard and intimidating not knowing how your schedule will work, but when you jump in, you’ll find a way to put the pieces in place and feel comfortable. Not only that, but you gain so much self-satisfaction knowing you’ve done something that benefits not only your life, but others’ lives too. UEI is a great school.”