Course Title
This module is designed to familiarize students with the insurance claims forms for a variety of providers, including Group Plan Insurances, PPOs, Worker's Compensation and Federal and State Disability. HIPAA training and the basics of health insurance are covered in this module. Students will experience hands-on training in handling claim forms such as the CMS-1500 and will learn to use one of the most popular billing software programs. Students will be introduced to the basic anatomy of the human body, prefixes, suffixes, abbreviations, and the organization of the body. Students will also learn to bill and code for procedures and diagnoses relating to surgery and anesthesia. There are no prerequisites.
Insurance Coding Principles
This module is designed to teach students complex coding principles and the use of the CPT, ICD-10, and HCPCS coding manuals. Students will learn to code diagnoses and procedures accurately for the purpose of billing the responsible insurance. Students will learn to use one of the most popular billing software programs. Students will be introduced to medical terminology, word parts, abbreviations, and symbols. Students will also learn to bill and code for procedures and diagnoses relating to the integumentary system. There are no prerequisites.
Medical Laws and Ethics
In this module, students will learn the basic laws and ethics governing the medical field, including professional behavior, confidentiality, doctor-patient relationships, malpractice, and breach of contract. Students will learn to use one of the most popular billing software programs. Students will become competent in CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Students will learn about oncology, the blood and lymphatic system, the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system and will also learn how to bill and code for procedures and diagnoses relating to these systems. There are no prerequisites.
Documentation and Records
In this module, students will learn about the medical documentation process. Students will experience hands-on electronic health records standards and advanced techniques using EHR software. Students will learn about the paper claim and medicine. Students will learn about the skeletal system, the muscular system, the eye, ocular adnexa, auditory, and operating microscope. Students will also learn how to bill and code for procedures and diagnoses relating to these systems. There are no prerequisites.
Medical Billing and Collections
This module focuses on the regulations governing the collections process. Students will learn to verify insurance information, perform pre-admission authorizations and billing follow-up. They will study receipt of payment issues in the collections area and track reimbursements. Students will learn to use one of the most popular billing software programs. Students will learn about radiology, nuclear medicine, inpatient hospital services and ICD-10 principles. Students will also learn how to bill and code for procedures and diagnoses related to these systems. There are no prerequisites.
This module is designed to familiarize students with the insurance claim forms for Medicare, Medicaid, The Blue Plans, Private insurance, Managed Care Plans, and the TRICARE and CHAMPVA programs. Students will learn to use one of the most popular billing software programs. Students will learn about the digestive system, the urinary system, and the male reproductive system. Students will also learn how to bill and code for procedures and diagnoses related to these systems. There are no prerequisites.
Medical Office Procedures
This module is designed to teach students basic medical office procedures. Topics covered include the use of office equipment, such as copiers, fax machines and calculators. Students will study the proper handling of patient records, filing and managing telephone calls. Students will study dental services and dental claims. Students will learn to use one of the most popular billing software programs. Students will learn about the endocrine system, the nervous system, obstetrics, and the female reproductive system. Students will also learn how to bill and code for procedures and diagnoses related to these systems. There are no prerequisites.
Externship is the final module following successful completion of classroom training and is designed to provide a realistic workplace environment in which the student will refine technological, procedural, decision-making, and interpersonal skills. On the job externships are completed in approved facilities that provide students with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the training programs. Externs work under the supervision of qualified personnel at the participating sites and under the general supervision of school personnel. Externs are evaluated on skill performance, subject knowledge, professionalism, participation, and attendance. All absences during the externship must be made up. Externship evaluations become part of the student’s permanent record. Satisfactory completion of externship training is required for graduation. Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Modules 110-170.